Thursday night – Ben and friends

Super busy day. Began with a presentation to about 300 teachers in the Northeast Kingdom… And ended with a really cool meeting about first robotics.… The rest was a normal workday punctuated by a nice visit from my friend Ben from the Cambridge Lab. He and his wife and a couple of friends had been staying at a cabin up in Jay.

They decided to come by our house to say hi on the way back to Massachusetts. It was really great to meet all of them. They were having lunch out by the river.

It was so nice to see Someone from my team and meet somenew people…

It made my day

Night all, nite sam


Wednesday night – The northwest passage

Today Dianne and I try something different on her now traditional Wednesday Evening Cline with bald Mountain. Today we went up to the wilderness Trail and crossed over to the fire tower came down. It was a great hike. That’s the wilderness steep but smoother than the other way up. It was a beautiful cool evening we were actually pretty cold at the top

It was a great date night so we brought Dates along to eat too !

I love these quick hikes in the middle of the week. It’s keeping us from going insane and keeping that’s pretty fit as well!

Nite all, nite sam


Monday night – Hamilton

We just finished watching the movie version of Hamilton… What an amazing story… We ended up watching it over a couple of days because none of us could follow that much history in one day. It really is an amazing story… Because it’s entertaining and you learn so much. I had no idea what complex character Hamilton was… I’m not sure he would’ve Been a nice guy to know…

I’m so impressed at how amazingly I told the story with so few props I just dance and lighting.

I wish there was just one song I could remember though

Nite all, nite sam


Sunday night – Haystack mountain

We had a great adventure day today. ‘Diane and I drove down with ‘Kyle to hike Haystack Mountain with ‘Kyle’s family… And then had a really nice late lunch early dinner with them. They are such great folks. It was really fun seeing ‘Kyle and her natural setting and hanging out with her parents John and Tracy and her brother and sister Tyler and Emma and her sister’s boyfriend Wheaton.

The drive down was beautiful… It’s part of the state that neither of us know very well so it was a pleasure seeing. Haystack mountain was a great hike. Short… A little steep but worth it for the views at the top

Lunch was really delicious. The whole family is vegan so we could eat everything it was there. It was really nice. It was ‘Kyle and Emma’s birthday last Wednesday so ‘Tracy had made pies for them. It was really great

We didn’t leave there till about 6 o’clock and then had a another great drive home. We love our home… But like everybody else we’re going a little stir crazy.It was so good to get out of Jonesville.…

OK another week starting… Good luck everyone

Nite all, nite Sam
