Thursday night – hindsight

I always say that hindsight is 2020… And that seems particularly Germaine tonight. I know a lot of things happened this year… But I I don’t think it’s right to call it a “good” or a “bad” year… It was a year like any other Where good things and bad things happened. Like everyone we had our share of both this year… And no one can deny that there were more extreme things than I can remember in one year…

So let’s see what happens in the next one… I’m optimistic… But I generally tend to be

Like nearly everyone else Diane and I are having a quiet evening at home ushering out The old year and bringing in the new.

We decided to make ourselves a feast with whatever we had around the house… We made two Pizzas

Then we went to a zoom dance party For the end of Dianne’s virtual yoga retreat… It was really good fun

Then we came back in and had a zoom call with Max, Becky and Gay,… We used it as a chance to open the last two Christmas gifts… Including a very cool three layers stone with GabÉ had cut and polished for us. It’s really amazing because you can actually see three distinct types of Stone within inches of each other on the same polished face

I’m really proud of those boys for their craft and skill In making things…. It’s a family tradition

Dianne and I then made ricotta ginger ice cream and fresh Dulce de leche. A pretty exotic and to our feast. We also just had a nice call with my mom…

I guess that wraps it up for the year

Happy new year everyone… Let’s make 2021 a good one

Nite all, nite sam


Ps you might like this version of auld lang syne… It’s my favorite

Wednesday night – lone walker

Diane and I got out for a few hours of Hiking today .. we’ve been exploring the backcountry south of bamforth ridge .. we’re now using a better gps and can make our way anywhere trails or not . Today we were on the north side of Gleason brook and aimed to explore an old logging or farming path we call “upper Gleason ” we got to the end of that pretty high on the ridge when we noticed another set of tracks in the snow . It was a single person .. most likely a man because the size of the prints . They were just going up.. no return path so we were intrigued.. it is really unusual to find signs of others that far from a trail or road .

We followed the lone hikers tracks for a couple of hours .. way up on a ridge a couple of miles north of camels hump. It was a beautiful route .. it took us to a very cool couple of ice falls and eventually looped ya Mack close enough to where we left our car that we could bushwhack down a steep ruse to find it

We feel so blessed to live in such a beautiful place.… Great way to end out a crazy tough and interesting year

Nite all, nite sam


Tuesday night – barbQ and latkQ

Pretty quiet day around here. Clear and getting colder. Did some projects around the house including working on the new version of the Eel 30 foot keyboard

It was a beautiful moon rise tonight

Tonight was kind of cool. Our friends Ben, Tatiana, and John had a drive-by barbecue and LatQ Party. The party meant that you drove up and they wrapped up a bunch of Covid safe food for you and you took it home to eat.… But it included smoked barbecued latke Potato pancakes…. We all missed Ben’s famous Latkes At Hanukkah so this was a make good. It was really great to see those guys if even for a moment and at a distance

They gave us a big plate of barbecued shrimp and vegetables which we Got to eat at home which was great which was fun !

In a few more minutes on the puzzle until it was completely encircled

… You got to admire a day where one of the High Points was finishing the outside of a puzzle 🙂

Nite all, nite sam


Monday night – high fiber

Today was kind of special. The guys from Waitsfield Valley telecom came and installed high speed fiber optic Internet to our house. It’s got over a gigabyte service which is more than we need… But super fun. I’m so proud of Waitsfield Valley telecom for bringing that kind of technology to rural areas like ours. The guy who did it Jason was such a nice guy. He took lots of time to show me how the optical cables from meet Up. He’s a big phish fan

Right now I have to go escort our sixth captured flying squirrel to his new home outside so better go now

Nite all, nite sam
