Wednesday night – Happy birthday mom and Billy

It’s my mom and my brothers birthday… My mom is 87 and my brother just turned 60. Nice accomplishments. I love you both

Kind of a slow and peaceful day around here which was nice. Two highlights. I came home last night to a box of Florida beers for my friend Chris. I just sent him some heady topper.… The names on his beer are pretty amazing… I particularly like “ Gourds gone wild”… Can’t wait to taste it

Second highlight was this afternoon Diane and ‘Kyle and I picked up Bolton as he’s our habit on Wednesdays. It was actually some construction going on there so we had to go up wilderness instead. It was incredibly Misty and mystical up there. And really strange weather kind of hot and cold at the same time.

That’s about it for today… (Isn’t that nice)

Nite all, nite sam


Tuesday night – Back on dry land

I’m back home now after 2 1/2 days at sea… (Or more accurately quote at Lake”) It was so much fun hanging out with John and Ben on the boat. All we did was eat, drink and goof off.… I’m still not very good at goofing off… But I’m getting better

I really enjoyed sleeping in a hammock hanging off of the boom. It was pretty cold at night and the stars were Beautiful

We are so lucked out with Weather. First day was incredibly windy… 25 to 30 not wins. Second day was sunny and almost wind free. The water was like glass… And today it was back to blowing 25 to 30.

We launched eggshells off the back of the boat… And watched them slide away. I tried today and it’s harder than it looks

One of the craziest pictures I took was yesterday when the lake was so flat and there was no wind. It looked like the boats along the horizon including the giant ferry floating in air

Check this out !

I really appreciate my friends for taking such good care of me and letting me goof off this much.…

Ben and John… You are such great friends to me

Nite all, nite sam


Monday night – happy anniversary to us .. 34 years !

Happy anniversary to us.. 34 years ago diane and I became wif’ and ‘band. It’s been a crazy and fun ride.. through great and hard times its been wonderful to be along side each other ! Shes fun and funny an strong..and beautiful

We marked our anniversary last fri.. because tody im on a boat with ben and john.

We made this tribute to her today

I love. You diane !

Nite all, nite sam



Sunday night – on a boat

I’m on a boat .. I’m on a boat

Gizzo, Ben and I are anchored I. Converse bay just off of Charlotte on the 1st night of our 3 day trip . Today was beautiful.. cool, partly sunny and really windy. We heade our around 10:30 and headed out of Shelburne bay.. into the wind, then turned south and flew down to about Ferrisburgh with the wind to our stern .. there were 3-4 foot swells which made it an adventure

We stopped around 5 and started eating. .. and kept eating for a few hours

I’m now in a hammock hanging above the boat from the boom. It’s a beautiful and still night .

Hopefully no rain tonight:-)

Nite all, nite sam
