We just finished watching the movie version of Hamilton… What an amazing story… We ended up watching it over a couple of days because none of us could follow that much history in one day. It really is an amazing story… Because it’s entertaining and you learn so much. I had no idea what complex character Hamilton was… I’m not sure he would’ve Been a nice guy to know…
I’m so impressed at how amazingly I told the story with so few props I just dance and lighting.
I wish there was just one song I could remember though
We had a great adventure day today. ‘Diane and I drove down with ‘Kyle to hike Haystack Mountain with ‘Kyle’s family… And then had a really nice late lunch early dinner with them. They are such great folks. It was really fun seeing ‘Kyle and her natural setting and hanging out with her parents John and Tracy and her brother and sister Tyler and Emma and her sister’s boyfriend Wheaton.
The drive down was beautiful… It’s part of the state that neither of us know very well so it was a pleasure seeing. Haystack mountain was a great hike. Short… A little steep but worth it for the views at the top
Lunch was really delicious. The whole family is vegan so we could eat everything it was there. It was really nice. It was ‘Kyle and Emma’s birthday last Wednesday so ‘Tracy had made pies for them. It was really great
We didn’t leave there till about 6 o’clock and then had a another great drive home. We love our home… But like everybody else we’re going a little stir crazy.It was so good to get out of Jonesville.…
It’s not that I am exhausted it’s that I have exhausted today. I devoted the day to two important jobs around the house. The first was quite an adventure. Her house is over 150 years old and in humid parts of the summer the basement can get pretty damp and musty.… Today I installed some ductwork and an exhaust fan to try to pull some of that moist air out and pull some of the smells Out with it. Like everything, it was a lot more Work van we anticipated… And they were some unknown pitfalls like a pool of water which we can’t figure out where it came From… But in the end it’s all nice and working well. We’ll see how well it does it keep in the moisture down
As soon as that was done I went upstairs and put in a new bathroom fan in the downstairs bathroom. As far as I remember it’s been missing for about 20 years. Like everything in this house, it to was not easy. Nothing is standard so I had to create some funny mounting but in the end it’s working
It felt good to get that done .. we were just about to sit down to a movie whe I hear Kyle scream .. we have another bar in the house ! Let’s see if I can get him on camera ! Looks like I got him (or her)
Diane And I went for a run this morning along the riveshore path. The path that the dogs have run with us for their entire lives.
It’s a narrow, Fern lined sand track it runs right along the Winooski river. It’s only wide enough for one runner… So in these times of Covid it requires one party to move off into the ferns to let the other one pass.. Today for some reason we ran into more neighbors then we usually do… And each stop to tell us how sorry they were about Satori. 
What neighbor said it was like the whole neighborhood had lost a friend… Well that choked me up… It also made me feel really good. I feel grateful to live in a community that it’s that close. By the end of the run I felt much better
Later today a funny/sad thing happened. Diane went by the vet and picked up Satori’s ashes.
(… A weird thing to type)
It was a bittersweet moment having our friend back home… The one crazy distance is that the bag that held her cremated remains had the label “final gift”