Yesterday marked a week after Satori died. In my culture You mark the death of a close relative with it. Called “Shiva”… It means seven in Hebrew. It’s a time where you reflect on loss, good memories… And embrace the support of others. I hadn’t thought of it till just now but that period ended yesterday. We have been So grateful for all the thoughts people have sent after satori’s death .. I mailed, email, text, Facebook, Instagram… We appreciate all that love... I hadn’t realized it but there’s a whole range of wonderful cards that you send to people on the death of a pet… Who knew?…
Supposedly you are to begin going back to your normal life after sitting Shiva… But no one I know has ever done that.… It takes time to heal.
It’s also interesting to contemplate where does the death of a pet play on the spectrum of grief?… Many folks kind of struggle with that… I remember when sam died it was pretty frequent to hear someone talk about the Death of a pet I suppose in a way to relate… I always found it odd back the .. Even as I appreciated their attempt to relate.Now for some reason it seems less crazy. Pets are clearly family.. The sadness we feel that their passing comes from the same place as a loss of family and friends… I know it’s different… And it’s supposed to be different…
Very busy day with lots of moving parts. Early on we found out that it was our housemate ‘Kyle’s birthday. She didn’t make a very big deal about it. Tonight on our normal Wednesday evening hike up Bolton Diane managed to steal away a box of cakes so we had a little surprise party at the top of fire Tower.
After yoga tonight my friends Zach and Mani showed up for our last work session before they both go back to college. The two of them and my friend Isaac are helping me build a robotic “mascot” For the first tech challenge robotics project that ‘Diane and I are driving. We’ve had a couple of weeks to do it and we’ve gotten pretty far. We can now get the robot frame to drive around on the floor. I’m building this robot to make it into something fun that we can use for recruiting… I’m also doing it so that I actually know the platform that I’m trying to get other kids to do.… Is proving to be much more complicated than I thought.… “Old dog new tricks”
Speaking of old dog … Chai Had a really good deep water swim in the river today. I think being Boyd up by the water really feels good to her. She still swims like a pup… Despite being… What? 120 years old?
She’s been particularly affectionate the last couple of days… I think she misses Satori in some weird way…
I really do. Every time I walk past her squeaky toy Hedgy I give it a big squeeze
Last night when I was taking chai to the river… Still so strange with just her… I saw an amazing piece of natural art. It was a stick with several burned inscriptions. It was roughly done… But it was obviously left there for someone to find… It had several inscriptions including a hashtag