Saturday night – Sterling pond

We woke up this morning in a mood for adventure… We decided to go out to Stowell and Fausel Long Trail North around elephant head trail and back on Sterling pond. It’s about a 7 mile hike with lots of vertical game.… We knew it was gonna rain we decided to do it anyway. It was a good choice .

We were all soaked through by the end but it was a great hike. We got back to where we parked our car just down in smugglers notch just as a group of retired combat veterans on motorcycles came in. They were pretty amazing

We got home just after 430 and we’re so hungry we decided to make dinner… We made spring roll balls she was such a treat especially that early in the evening

We decided to just hang out around the house for the rest of the evening but then Jen and Tim called and we were up there for glass of wine around the fire.

Jen had just fired a whole batch of Sam start so we get to pick them up

It was nice to have such a peaceful day

Watching the temperatures hours gave us… It’s going to be 113 tomorrow. Unbelievable

Note all, nite sam


Friday night – caution drop

Started the day with a rumble… As our 5 cord of fire wood got dumped out.. We had to drop it Far out in the yard because the family of Robbins that’s still living in one of the base of the wood frame still has it fledged with its babies.

Took a break later in the day to take a hike with our friend James… He’s been living at Richmond Terrace is explored the hills above Richmond. We walked out some hidden paths as well as some of the mountain bike runs. Pretty steep climb. Really interesting trail names

I had to get back to my meetings so we took a straight a path as we could down… Which took us through Cochran scarier. Haven’t been up there since the kids were young. They put in some new snowmaking which is pretty cool. This is only 2 1/2 miles from our house

Glad it’s a weekend… Hope to see my friend Scott tomorrow. He’s resting in hospice now… Seems to be comfortable and at peace. Please keep him in your thoughts

Nite all, nite sam


Thursday night – fledge !

We’ve been watching a family of robins as they’ve gone through hatching and growing… The only trouble is they’ve taken up residence in our wood frame. Are seven cords of wood are coming tomorrow and we don’t want to disturb the Robbins until the babies fledged. We feel terrible getting in the way of their family development. So we’re gonna drop the wood as far away from the world with Frank this weekend. That means we’re gonna have to carry every piece of wood further. So we can give this mama bird and her babies a little more peace

I’m sure they do the same for us… If they could 🙂

Nite all, nite sam

Wednesday night – Climbing

Completely packed day. I was able to break off at 6:30 to claim Bolton with Diane and Kyle.… It was an absolutely beautiful day… A little chilly but crystal clear

We try to climb this mountain every Wednesday… Just to get this picture… The one that has the wind generator coming out of someone’s head.

Today Diane won the prize

Nite all, nite sam
