This was the first full day that Becky was home… So we made plans to go for a hike… Unfortunately mother nature didn’t agree and there was a huge thunderstorm in the morning. That’s canceled our plans for a hike… But we made up for it by looking in atlas Obscura… That pointed out this great bug museum that was actually in an old Mall. Approved to be really amazing. It is the private collection of two people who came together with almost 5000 really beautifully preserved insects and a bunch of live ones too
The curator was there and he even let us handle summer these wonderfully creepy critters
We went home and found this amazing hummingbird moth Right in Max in Becky’s front yard
That night we had a nice gathering of a bunch of Max and Becky’s meow Wolf friends… It was really nice… We had margaritas a fire… And it was very very cool to see the Street lights theough the smoke
It was that kind of party :-)
Nite all, nite sam