Saturday night – Circle rock

Yesterday one of the hospice chaplains came in and talk to Scott and gave him a rock with a circle around it. These are formed when molten rock of another type is injected into a crack in a rock… And then that rock gets worn down. We find them all the time at the intersection of the Huntington in The Winooski. The chaplain give it to Scott as a reminder of how life is a circle.

Tonight ‘Diane and I went looking for those kind of rocks and found a bunch of them. They’re gonna always make me think of Scott.

I’m going to drop some of these off for him tomorrow

Life really is a circle

Nite all, nite sam


Friday night – visiting Scott

My workday ended around four so I headed up to visit Scott in hospice again. He wasn’t feeling very good… But he was lucid… We were able to talk for about two hours. It’s so nice to be able to sit with him there… Not much to say but it’s still nice to be there

Note all, nite sam


Thursday night (delayed) – fledged

‘Diane has been watching A family of robins who had built a nest in our wood frame. We’ve been very careful not to disturb them… Even had 5 quarts of firewood dumped further than it needed to be as not to scare them. We had held Oh off beginning to stack the wood to wait for the birds to fledge. On Thursday, Dianne saw the mom and dad bird one by one kick before adolescence out of the nest and watch them fly away. Apparent birds hang around for a while to make sure everything’s OK. Diane was able to recover the nest… Which the Robinswood not reuse and we’ve been able to move on to stack in the wood

And it was kind of fun allowing nature to take it’s course

Note all, nite sam
