Saturday night (delayed) – Wormdogs

yesterday was Gabe and sammartha’s  Last day of their trip. We marked it by taking a great hike in the warm drizzle At the catamount trail

Then last night we went to the fin Brewery to see our favorite band the worm dogs… Always a really great time

It’s very weird to be out having fun at the same time knowing our friends are going through such a tough time.

Life can be so strange…

nite ll, nite sam


Friday night – Rain hike

i’m trying not to work on Fridays… But so far it’s not working… I had a couple of meetings today… But then was able to get off with the family to hike Bolton. It’s still freakishly warm… Near 70. I heard yesterday edits the latest on record frost for Mount Mansfield… Whenever it happens. That’s to say there’s never been a frost this late and it hasn’t happened yet . it’s easily 15° warmer than it should be

We took advantage of the warm weather even though it was drizzling a bit to hike open again… Gabe and sam’s friend Lyndsay was heading back and we Wanted to get that taken before she had to takeoff.

It was very good to be outside while we hold space for our friends

nite all, nite sam


Thursday night (delayed) – work day

Mondays and Thursdays are the days I’ll be getting to my contract work at BETA. it’s such a fun and exciting place… My job is working on outreach stuff for kids…It’s fun having A beautiful electric airplane around if you want to get kids interested in science 🙂

nite all, nite sam


Wednesday night – gondola

This afternoon we all drove up to Stowe and we’re at the gondola at the top of the mountain. It was as beautiful fall day as I can remember.

I have to admit I’m not very good at expose rock face anymore so I actually sat out the last part and just chill done some rocks or the others went to the top and came back and got me… I appreciate it that no one minded that i sat things out

we came down and ate a wonderful left over feast

nite all, nite sam
