Wednesday night (delayed) – AI and art

Last Wednesday my good friend Chris t came over for a couple of hours to catch up and to brainstorm about his new project. Chris used to be the head curator at Burlington city arts then he was the exec director of generator. Now he’s semi retired and doing art full time . Chris had great vision and is good at getting people together . His bca show “user required” helped kick start the whole

Arts meets tech maker movement here in the state . He just got a grant to out on a show at BCA on the art of AI next spring . It was so fun brainstorming with him about all the ways he can show art using AI and AI using art . He’s collecting a list of potential collaborators here in Vt and elsewhere . I think it’s going to be so much fun to work with him on this !

Nite all, nite sam


Tuesday night (delayed) – bounty

Still trying to catch up from a total week of not posting .. it feels really weird to have gone that long without writing … I’ve been writing everyday for 15 years (!) .. it seems a shame to give that up

Thinking about last Tuesday what I remember most was the amazing bounty we’ve been getting from the gardens this year . It’s thanks to Diane’s green thumb and the unusual heat . We have tons and tons of tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, and the best crop of peppers we’ve ever had , lots of beautiful poblanos and more jalapeños than I’ve ever seen .

Our baskets runneth over

Nite all, nite sam


Monday night (delayed) – pool party

OMG .. I’ve never been this behind on my blogging .. it’s a combination of being. Busy and not much going on. Which almost sounds like an oxymoron 🙂

I am wondering if it’s time for me to stop trying to blog everyday and go to once or twice a week ? Let me give that some thought

For now I’ll try to catch up .

Lesssseeeee. What happened last Monday ? Can I even remember

Oh yeah we had an impromptu pool party , Deb and Martha came over to float in the pool then some of the neighbors dropped and pretty soon we had a proper pool party goin . It was a nice way to beat the heat

Nite all, nite sam


Sunday night – Fruit a zaloom

When did we slow day to… ‘Diane and I headed out around 1130 to see her good friend Paul Zaloom. He’s an old friend that I know my improv classes… He’s really my guru and everything related to public presentation. He told me how to do improv… And how to make sure that the sound man is laughing. He spending a few weeks at his camp in Woodberry. It’s been a tough visit because elka Schuman One of the founders of bread and puppet), Guy Stephens visit… They had a multi day celebration of her life and then buried her on the bread and puppet land.

Paul is such an interesting guy… We spent about five hours just hanging out on his porch and talking. So many connections so many mutual interests and friends that are that it was really wonderful…

That was a wonderful way to spend most of the day…

Dan and I ate some fresh tomato sandwiches when we got home and then walked up to the lower Huntington Gorge just to stare at the river… We live in a wonderful place

We live in such a wonderful place

Nite all, nite sam
