Saturday night (delayed) – Float and folks

Dan and I did some work around the yard… Then decided to make the day a little different and go for a float on the whiskey. The planet car up at the Beeken preserve Got her tubes and jumped in the river… It was a great float. We even took a side trip and landed at practice field and went up and looked at progress on the airplane… Only in Vermont :-) (Please forgive the hazy photos taken through a waterproof case… But they’re kind of cool)

Later that night we headed to Bristol. Our friend the deck Meister and invited us to a really nice open house. His tenant an Anais Mitchell was holding a concert. I’ve always been a huge fan… She does some great folks stuff with people like sessions americana, she studies great old English folk songs (the child ballads) with Jefferson Hammer… And she won several Tonys in 2019 for her Broadway play Hades town.… Not only that she’s wonderful and has two of beautiful babiesIt was a really nice venue bunch of nice people from all over the state that I knew from various connections… I’m running Man to fire and water to beta to ice cream to school volunteering… So many connections… Many I knew and Minnie I didn’t.It was the quintessential Vermont wonderful amazingness

It was almost a full moon… Just before 5 AM I woke up and watch the full moon cross over the sky… ‘Diane and I were sleeping in the barn because of the air-conditioning… It was such a beautiful site

I love Vermont and its people so much!

Nite all, nite sam


Friday night (delayed) – schleira, mark and kathy, Wormdogs

Busy workday… Then a meeting at University of Vermont with my friend Dave Hammond. I’m working on a tribute piece from my good friend scott… Some sort of high voltage physical phenomenon Facebook and play with in the new UVM science building’s.… Dave was kind enough and lucky enough to take some of Scott’s high-voltage equipment… So he’s willing to help… He’s also helping me on another visualization project where I’m trying to see turbulence over a wing shape. He’s been setting up a Schleiren Photography set up… It’s a technique where you can actually see small perturbations in air density because of the small refraction differences… He’s got this set up where you can actually see the heat rising from our hands or from a heated Sam stone or from a hot air gun… Hope is that will be able to do the same thing for a wing. It’s so much fun working with him

Early evening… My cousins Marc and Cathy from Austin showed up… Marks my second cousin once removed and a very good friend. He lived in our house back in 1982… We were at Marc and Cathie’s wedding and they were at ours. Now he’s a CTO at AMD and changing the world. It was so great Hanging out with them I’m talking about our families and all times… Super fun

Later that evening to meet up with friends at the Zenbarn to see our favorite band the Wormdogs… It was like old home week. We hadn’t really seen him play since the pandemic and they’ve only gotten better. The bar was packed and the show was fantastic

really really fun Friday Summer day and night !

Nite all, nite sam !

Friday night (delayed) – Schleira, Mark and Kathy, Wormdogs

Busy workday… Then a meeting at University of Vermont with my friend Dave Hammond. I’m working on a tribute piece from my good friend scott… Some sort of high voltage physical phenomenon Facebook and play with in the new UVM science building’s.… Dave was kind enough and lucky enough to take some of Scott’s high-voltage equipment… So he’s willing to help… He’s also helping me on another visualization project where I’m trying to see turbulence over a wing shape. He’s been setting up a Schleiren Photography set up… It’s a technique where you can actually see small perturbations in air density because of the small refraction differences… He’s got this set up where you can actually see the heat rising from our hands or from a heated Sam stone or from a hot air gun… Hope is that will be able to do the same thing for a wing. It’s so much fun working with him

Early evening… My cousins Marc and Cathy from Austin showed up… Marks my second cousin once removed and a very good friend. He lived in our house back in 1982… We were at Marc and Cathie’s wedding and they were at ours. Now he’s a CTO at AMD and changing the world. It was so great Hanging out with them I’m talking about our families and all times… Super fun

Later that evening to meet up with friends at the Zenbarn to see our favorite band the Wormdogs… It was like old home week. We hadn’t really seen him play since the pandemic and they’ve only gotten better. The bar was packed and the show was fantastic

really really fun Friday Summer day and night !

Nite all, nite sam !

Thursday night (delayed) – Kyles birthday

Been so nice having Dianne back… The gardens appreciate it so do i !

Normal busy workday… Then ‘Diane and I went over to Adam, Elena And Anna’s for a nice birthday party for our housemate Kyle… She’s turning 26. It was a beautiful meal and a beautiful house beautiful friend… Happy birthday Kyle… We’re glad you’re in our lives

Nite all, nite sam
