Tuesday night – Surprise visit

I woke up to a text message from my very good friend Paul. He and his husband Daniel and their two kids Oliver and Andrew were in Burlington for two days!… Pol is one of my oldest and best Ibm friends… I should say ask IBM… Long funny story there but he now works at Ernst & Young. We traveled all over the world together getting into all kinds of work Mr.… It was so fun to get together and reminisce.

I haven’t seen Paul and his family in the last couple of years… In the meantime the kids have really sharp. Andrew Who is 13 is 6’1″ and actually Taller than paul!… We are really nice dinner at daily planet… Which took me back as that’s where Diane and I and all of our friends used to me back in 1982… They still hadn’t changed the posters in the bathroom… Believe it or not.

Oh and the family are gonna stop by quickly tomorrow and borrow some inner tubes and float the Winooski … It’ll be good to see them again.

Nite all, nite sam


Monday night – Hearts everywhere

The last several days I have been noticing hearts… Everywhere…Most of them from leaves…

There are too many for it to be coincidence… But what is it? Is it Scott? Is it Sam? Who knows… I just appreciate them

Wherever they’re from… I appreciate them !

thank you

Nite all, nite sam


Ps I woke up at 5 AM this morning… Needed to go back to the house to get something to drink (I’m sleeping in the barn which has aC)

I sat outside for a couple of minutes with my drink just taking him the cool darkness… I walked inside and they were something stuck to my foot… Take a look what it was

Sunday night – off the island

What a great fire and water festival… It’s only Our second what an amazing time.… So fun just hanging out with my friends. This morning was just exodus. Packing drying cleaning and paddling… I got home around 4 o’clock it started to re-integrate with the world…

Super recharged from the trip

Nite all, nite sam


Saturday night (delayed) – covid burn

Another day in paradise… By the end of evening I think we had 18 people there… It was definitely low-key compared to last year but so fun and relaxing. With a leisurely day… Biggest event was packing tonight’s burn… Which was a giant 8 foot Covid virus model with kindling and fireworks. And interesting development is that the canvas that had been soaked with Lynsey oil and turpentine had spontaneously combusted over the evening… But we were able to rescue it so no loss there. I was happy to have used a bunch of Scott’s dynamite fuse to help set all of them Off… He would’ve really approved I think

So nice hanging out on the island with all of my friends

Nite all, nite sam
