Sunday night (delayed) – them !

Today we got the hiking that we had planned for Saturday. We went down grasshopper Canyon which was this beautiful deeply carved can you walk that ended in some really cool pools. It was nice and cool and super interesting from the standpoint of the rocks and plants

When we came home we finished off the bench that Becky had made… Max had welded up some brackets and we hung them in the front porch. It’s really beautiful and comfortable

This was our last night all together so we decided to do something really special. We watched a mutant insect Horror movie from 1954 called “them!)” .It was about some mutant ants that have been zapped by the first atomic bomb test just south of Albuquerque New Mexico… The first part of the movie was all about New Mexico…

Then two of the mutant queens escaped… One ended up in Los Angeles underneath the streets… Wouldn’t you know it was the sixth Street aqueduct… Which is exactly where we got our water every week for the colony. It was literally 200 yards from where we stand.… It was really cool seeing the same scenes that we knew from a few years ago from almost 60 years ago.

Here’s a mess… The six street aqueduct is on the lower left… 615 Anderson where we lived for two months is directly across the river on the right

What a great stay!

Really nice vacation

Nite all, nite sam


Saturday night (delayed) – bugs !

This was the first full day that Becky was home… So we made plans to go for a hike… Unfortunately mother nature didn’t agree and there was a huge thunderstorm in the morning. That’s canceled our plans for a hike… But we made up for it by looking in atlas Obscura… That pointed out this great bug museum that was actually in an old Mall. Approved to be really amazing. It is the private collection of two people who came together with almost 5000 really beautifully preserved insects and a bunch of live ones too

The curator was there and he even let us handle summer these wonderfully creepy critters

We went home and found this amazing hummingbird moth Right in Max in Becky’s front yard


That night we had a nice gathering of a bunch of Max and Becky’s meow Wolf friends… It was really nice… We had margaritas a fire… And it was very very cool to see the Street lights theough the smoke

It was that kind of party :-)

Nite all, nite sam


Friday night (delayed) – Beckys back

Becky came back to Santa Fe today… She’s having to spend about two months in Denver for the opening of the next meow Wolf site.… She gets to come home on weekends sometimes… It was great to expect her because we were so excited to show her all the work that we’ve done. She was really happy to see all the stuff the three of us had done

We’ve been putting off going to our favorite restaurant until she was back… So last night we headed down to La Choza… About a 20 minute walk from Max and Becky’s.… There was a long wait so we actually went and had some music in the park and ran into a bunch of Max his friends. Really nice night

We’re getting together with friends tonight

More from that

 nite all, nite sam


Thursday night (delayed) – memory well

Not much happened yesterday… Dianne and I take a run around the neighborhood but it was already getting pretty hot so we came home and worked around Max and Beckys house. We’re getting to the point we were running out of projects which is nice.

One cool thing that happened yesterday is that I met with a friend of mine and her team From her start up “memorywell” For late afternoon french fries and beer. I met Jm at an MIT event a couple years ago it was very interested in the company which specializes in recording stories from Alzheimer’s patients, hospice patients etc. Right now a lot of the process is Manuel but they’re looking at how to enhance it with AI. My friend Martin from the Czech Republic recently joined them to work on the AI.… Unfortunately he couldn’t make this meeting because he is an immunized yet… It was fun meeting the team and talking to them… The topic is deep resonates with me because watching my dad and my grandmother go through Alzheimer’s it made me realize how important it was to record their stories. Luckily my dad did a lot of that while he still could

It’ll be interesting to watch how memory well progresses on making it easier to record the stories

We ended the day withPizza on the grill . Yum !

Nite all, nite sam
