Tuesday night (delayed) – Art gecko

I’m not sure I already said that in this blog… But we had a real Nixa Airbnb. We were to have stayed in a house only three minutes walk from Maxis… When we got here we found that the only entrance to that house was through an alley which had three vicious pitbull’s on In chains I belong to a neighbor.. The landowner. Unfortunately the landowner good nap would not control the dogs it was impossible to actually get to the house we are renting. Thankfully Airbnb gave us our money back… But there were no other rentals available in the whole town. That’s how many people are traveling!

Anyway we were able to find A short term rental for most of the week to begin on Monday. It is a beautiful place about 3 miles from Maxis.… I was out in the hills of suburban santafe. Our little house had a nice collection of geckos

It was a great place to spend 5 nights !

Nite all, nite sam


Monday night (delayed) – ultraviolet

Gosh… This is the longest I have not logged in… I don’t know… Maybe forever.… Nothings wrong… I’m deeply affected by Scott’s passing and enjoying being out here with Diane and Max. So let’s just chalk it up to distraction.

Monday Dianne and I just worked around Max’s house. I spent most of the time re-organizing Max and Becky shop… Which gives me great motivation to do the same for my own. Nothing very picture worthy.… We did take a nice late walk where Max and Becky’s dog Violet has a beautiful glow in the dark purple Light up collar. When she goes to the park she runs like crazy and it looks like this


More catch-up from the days that came later

Note all, nite sam


Sunday evening – New Mexico sky

Laid-back day here in Santa Fe with Max. We got off to a slow start . We headed downtown to see folk art festival… When we got there it was actually pretty small but still really beautiful stuff. Max took us on a really nice tour of downtown Santa Fe which is always fun. It was great just hanging out together. We loved the art there… Some of it was public art and some of it was in galleries….

My favorite was Seret and Sons A huge collection of carpet, furniture, architectural doodads brought together from all parts of the world. It was really breathtaking… Unfortunately no pictures inside the place but I got these outside

We got takeout burritos and went back and eight and Max Becky’s yard that super nice and peaceful

The three of us did projects around the house all day. Around 730 Diane and I took off for a walk. The Santa Fe sky never ceases to amaze me. Check out the sun here. I don’t know if that’s dust or smoke or whatever but it’s beautiful

Tomorrow… We’re getting in early start on some more projects around the house. It’s so nice being here.

Nite all, nite sam


Saturday night (Delayed) – Scott

This is a post I knew I would have to write… But it still feels very strange

I learned officially this morning that my friend Scott Fusare had passed away on Friday morning.… Anyone who’s reading this knows that Scott has been in hospice for more than 2 1/2 weeks. Far longer than the doctors predicted. I was able to spend some time with him there just talking about the last nearly 30 years of our friendship

Scott was an amazing man and a great friend. He was truly one of my closest friends… The basis for our relationship was around our common love of science and technology…. Scott was an natural born scientist… He had amazing curiosity for anything related to science. He didn’t just dabble… He dove in to anything he could find related to electronics, high-voltage, radio, optics, chemistry… He had an amazing laboratory in the basement of his home Where He built incredible machines for demonstrating and exploring physical phenomenon. His favorite things were making tesla coil’s… Devices that can transform low voltage into high-voltage high frequency sparks. Throwing arcs sometimes several meters.He made everything from really tiny ones to huge ones with 8 foot sparks…

Scott was incredibly generous with his time and skills.He was always willing to help other people with their projects… He helped us set up the electronics workshop at the generator makerspace and helped many budding engineers with their projects

Scott built or helped me build much of the equipment that I use in my science shows.I’ve used his gear to get tens of thousands of people interested in the beauty of electricity.…

It occurs to me now that Scott’s help on creating and enhancing the science shows I do we’re extremely important part of my healing after Sam’s passing…But I was sharing my love of science with people I was sharing Scott’s love the science with people

I always have and will always now give him a shout out whenever I show anyone machines that he’s made.

One of Scott’s wishes was that all of his science gear found its way into someone’s hands you could use it. I’ve been working with Scott’s wife Dasha to find the right kind of homes for a lifetime’s worth of collected specialized gear. University of Vermont chemistry department hasn’t taken a lot of Scott’s chemistry gear including chemicals, glassware and they are going to use it to do demonstrations to engage a new generation of chemists

Several of Scott’s electronics friends have Been able to give new homes to some of Scott’s electronics, high-voltage, radio and machining equipment… That stuff will find its way into new amazing sciencedemonstrations and keep Scotts spirit moving through the world

In addition to being my science buddy… We became close friends. I loved getting his take on politics, life , religion… He was a really thoughtful person… He had strong views… and I always enjoyed hearing them …

I know that I often called him when I was having problem with his gear on the road… I now know I should’ve called him more when I didn’t need anything. We were able to talk that through over the last couple of weeks. … for Which I am going to be eternally grateful

Over the last couple of months I’ve gotten to know Scott’s family better… My heart goes out to Scott’s wife Dasha,

Their daughter Veronica… And Dasha,s son Thomas Who is like a som to Scott. I’ve also gotten to meet Scott’s father and his mother During Scott’s time at the hospice. I know they were very proud of their son

I will really miss Scott and I will always think about him whenever I see sparks flying.

Rest in sparks my friend !

Nite all, nite sam
