Monday night (delayed) – Town Meeting

Last night was the read out to the Richmond Town Select board from our Parkign Advisory Committee. The group is lead by our friend Cara L with John R, Lou B, Diane and Me as members. We all had put a lot of work into it. Cara was a really excellent leader… Last night she delivered our message flawlessly. The recommendations were fully excepted by the select board and were unanimously approved. All in all we’ve identified at nearly 110 new parking places for people to use around Richmond for recreation. it felt good to be makign a differnce.

Thanks to everyone on the PAC for the hard work..

nite all, nite sam

Friday night – perspective

I’ve been feeling pretty low lately for number of work related things … Somehow though… The world is sending me lots of messages about perspective… Stories from friends about health, relationships, Loneliness, loss Are all around me… And I suspect many of us now.… It’s helping me put my own situation into very much of a perspective

We are also connected… One persons name is everyone’s… I don’t know who said that… Maybe it was just me today but I am sending out love everybody who are struggling…

That seems to lighten my small load as well

Night all, night sam


Friday night – Texas ?!?!

I think most of you know that I am from Texas… Spent all of my growing up years there… But I can’t say that I understand the place anymore. What the heck is going on with Removing mask guidelines now just when things are starting to improve?

I’m hoping all my many friends and relatives in Texas make their own decisions and keep practicing good sense For the next several months until more People are vaccinated

End of rant

Nite all, nite sam


Wednesday night (delayed) – bachelors spaghetti

Fell Asleep before blogging yesterday… Trying to think of what might’ve happened… Oh yeah… My sister found A hand written recipe for my father’s famous ‘bachelors Spaghetti… In her old joy of cooking cookbook– It was One of the few things he really like to cook… And he was great at it. It came out different each time… I remember it had lots of bell peppers in it and he would cook the spaghetti and throw it at the refrigerator and we never were clear whether if it’s stuck it was done or if it didn’t stick it was done… But it was always done… And having it Matt we were all together as a family which are good memories. It’s really nice to see his handwriting again

I could use a plate of that right now

Nite all, nite sam
