Friday night – way back

I daddy these days we get to dive a little bit more into the past. Here’s a couple of pictures that Diane scanned in today… So nice to take these visits to the past

In parallel , our friend paul is digitizing a ton of videos . Here’s one he found today of our grind paul Webb playing piano at our wedding party. Man can he play !

Back to the future now for bed

Night all , nite sam


Thursday night – costumes

Is Diane goes through the process of scanning this photo she’ll occasionally share some with me and the boys… It’s so fun to see these things. Today’s theme was costumes… Our boys were always in customs growing up

Another part of our digitization journey happened this afternoon

I dropped nearly 200 pieces of media (VHS, 8 mm tapes, mini eight, DVDs, 8 mm film, real to reel tape, DVDs) off at our good friend Paul’s for digitization. It’s great catching up with him… 

We’ve been friends for almost 40 years… And have so much great history together. It was great reliving some of that today… Can’t wait until we can all get back together

I also can’t wait to see what’s on all these tapes we found. A great shout out to Paul and Ellen at videosynchracies For making this so easy. Paul has absolutely every piece of transcription equipment there is… I completely recommend him !!!!

OK… Time to sleep

Nite all, nite sam


Wednesday night (delayed) – ewwwwwww

Sorry didn’t post last night . Yesterday was a pretty eventful day. I had minor surgery to remove a benign cyst on my back that had been there for many years . The whole thing took about 15 minutes and was kind of fun and cool . Jack our NP even took pictures for me while he did it . It was pretty amazing .. the only trouble is that the pictures are way too icky to share .

So I’ll leave that to your collective imaginations 🙂

Nite all, nite sam


Tuesday night – Omega Mart

Last Week Was a big day for Max and Becky… MeowWolf, the place they both work, opened a new interactive experience in Las Vegas it’s called “OmegaMart”. It’s pretty hard to explain… But it’s going to be totally amazing. Meow Wolf is this amazing indoor interactive Experience that began in Santa.Fe we’re Max and Becky live. They are opening two new venues “omega mart” in Las Vegas And a new facility that will open in a few months in Denver. I can’t wait to see both of them. Max and Becky have been working so hard with all of their team to design and build these amazing places . I’ve seen some of the stuff in construction butIt’s so cool to actually see them all in one place.

Check out this crazy commercial that just came out for the place

Here’s a video tour just after opening.… Video doesn’t do the place justice because it’s all interactive

What an amazing place… What an amazing place for Backes and Becky to work. I’m so proud of them !

Nite all, nite sam
