Wednesday night – Not today

I had learned a few days ago  that Fluffy wasnt due out to Reno until Thursday.. not Wednesday as our original plan.. well.. no worries, there was still much to do. And the Grand sierra wasn’t any worse than any other weird gambling hotel in the city.. it had food, running water and AC.. three things the desert doesn’t have.. so I was OK>

I took a run outsied in the 100 degree dry heat.. not bad.. I even noticed that Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias was playing the hotel.. SO I took a picture of the sign.. A few minutes later a hotel security in a four wheeler chased me down while I was running and ordered me to stop and ordered me to give him my phone… I just as politely told him NFW !.. You cant see my phone. I’m a guest here .. I asked why he thought he had to write to see my phone. He explained that they were watching me on security camera and the fact that I was taking pictures of things like the sign made it likely that I was some sort of master criminal taking pictures of patrons cars to steal. I didn’t see the logic but I understood he was just trying to do his job. Anyway I finished my run

A bit later Rebar had to go get the Budget Truck (or Budget F**K as it was called)..

THe rest of the day we spent eat, sleeping and for me at least… Working on my flamed documentation and copies of all the installation documents, part specifications etc. that might come up in our department of mutant vehicle questiong..

Max and Becky got into town late last night like we did.. THey came to see me for a short bit with one of their friends. It was fantastic to see them even for a few minutes. I was really excited to be working with them out on the playa.


Anyway.. it was an unexpectedly quiet and peaceful day..

more to come I hope..

Uh-oh.. we just heard that the Bus broke down in Salt Lake City.. .. now what ?!

note all, nite sam


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