Saturday night – Barn dance

im so excited because Diane is coming back from portland. I like having time to myself .. but after about 20 minutes of that I start missing her 🙂

im glad I had a whole day to

clean the house from the mess I made of the


whilr diane was out west. lost of dust because of the sheet rock work I did in the spiral room.

ingot done in time to run the new libby’s loop trail. the new trail is som much easier to run than the old one


around 6 I headed over to the monitor barn for the land trust barn dance . the band red hot ju a was playing with erik k on lead guitar . erik was two of the kids english teacher at mmu.

the barn dance was fun but would have been more fun with Diane 




. I left around 9 to go pick dine  up at the airport 


soooo nice to have her home !

nite all, nite sam




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