Friday night – Mom and Bills birthday. Kevin and Marges rehersal cookout

Nice day with both boys here.. We got together to call and wish my mom a happy 89th birthday..      Happy birthday Ma..We love you!

Its my baby brothers 62nd birthday.. Happy birthday Billy.. We love you too !

All sorts of love in the air.. as Kevin and Marges rehearsal cookout is tonight..   but not before we had some good hang out time with the boys

Late afternoon we piled in both cars and headed down to the DAR {ark in Addison county.. It was a beautiful night for kevin and margarets  rehearsal dinner and (for some) campout

It was getting late so we helped gabe get our ten set up, then Diane and I headed home.

meanwhile on the playa  I later learned that a couple chose to get married in front of Fluffy. how cool is that ?


nite all, nite sam


thursday night – already september

I cant believe it’s already September.. !  Max got in today, gabe’s coming late tonight. The boys are here for Kevin and Marge’s wedding.

We had a great day hanging out with Max

Meanwhile on the playa.. I got these pictures a bit later.. Here’s Fluffy out for deep playa beer delivery !

Looking forward to picking up Gabe tonight !

-nite all, nite sam
