Tuesday night – catching up

Back hoem in Vermont.. and trying to catch up from… .. well from everything. I’m trying to get things more organized at work, .. more organized at home.. and more organized in life. It’s a good time to be doing that as tomorrow is Yom Kippur…

Spent the day at work getting several projects organize to complete.. 

first I took a quick hike with diane to enjoy the lights


Drove home to meet up with freinds. One the way I managed to almost get a speeding ticket just a 1/4 mile from my house. I got a wanring.. but got a great chance to talk to one of the Richmond PD officers about her very good ideas on how we can address some of the recreational parking issues we’re tring to address in our Parking Advisory Committee.   After that   we went to stone  coral with Tim, Jen  and Deb.. Hannah., Sumner and Gee were a few tabels down celebrating sumner’s 30th birthday. 

A nice way to celibrate being back home.

nite all., nite sam



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