Tuesday night – Saxon hill

Today I was invited to attend an ECCC event at IBM t. There are only about 275 IBMers left in the state now that the Fab is being operated by Global Foundries. The main IBM site is now Saxon Hill up on Allen Martin road in Essex. Its where we used to do test and burn-in. The ECCC event is about encouraging employees to donate to causes of their choosing .. and volunteer for them where possible. IBM Burlington has always been one of the highest participants. Last year they ranked 2nd of all IBM facilities in the US.     There was a good turnout.. .. helped in part by the wood fired pizza ovens that were cooking outside.. Yum !

Dave R did a great job of interoducing the ECCC event. 
Today at the volunteer fair we had representatives from the United Way The boys and Girls Club, The Council on Temporary Shelter (COTS) , the Boy Scouts, Howard mental health and me. I was there to talk about volunteering for, or donating to,  FIRST robotics. My friend Joe had lent me one of his teems Spike lego robots to use as a prop. It was nice talking to all my old IBM friends.  I also enjoyed getting to know some  of the other presenters. 


It’s a little strange to see how few folks are  around.. but it certainly still felt like home ! 

nite all, nite sam


Monday night – OnLogic On Deck

Fun day at work. I got to host some friends from Onlogic at BETA today. 

OnLogic makes these ultra robust fanless industrial computers that are used in factories and other harsh environments. They gave me a a very great deal on one  of their new and very powerful K800 ultra robt computers which I used to power the lights on Fluffy the burning man  bus.   If it can survive the heat, dust and vibration of burning man.. it can survive anywhere. 



thanks for your help OnLogic !.. I enjoy working with you !

nite all, nite sam


Sunday night – Libbys and Garage

In the same spirit as yesterday.. we hiked early then worked the rest of the day. The hike (actually run) today was Libbys Look.. 

THe work today was to clean the garage… we had to make room for both cars given that snow will be coming soon.  We got rid of a ton of stuff, put up new shelves.. Still much to do.. but it looks much better !

Time for a bath (and I have a new new yorker !)

nite all, nite sam


Saturday night – Robins and Windows

This is turning out to be a beautiful foliage season.. it must have been the recent rain. Today DIane and I hiked up Robins mountain.. We start off at the Fish and Game club then climb straight up. It’s a short quick and steep climb. it was so worth it. Check out these colors !

Not all relaxation today though. We had to put up the storms as the nights are now getting down  around freezing. We cleaned all the windows then got all the storms up in about 3 hours. not bad !

Early to bed.. good and tired

Nite all, nite sam !
