Saturday night – dismanteling

I used today to go through all the stuff I’d rescued from IBM this week. It was fun and a little hard to go through all that stuff. there were family pictures, desk tschotskies, plaques. notebooks, books… and lots and lots of presentations, documents,.printouts that I knew were important at the time.. but seemed so  trivial now.. it was a really weird feeling. 

I did find lots of toys designed to give electric shocks… which the boys gave me..   Coming from them.. all 3 of them.. gave even cheap plastic toys the feeling of a sacred relics.   I’ve learned to let that go.. I hold the item.. soemtimes photographic it then pass it on.. to not do that is to get weighed down .. 


… and we cant be weighed down.. 


nite all, note sam


Friday night – IEEEEEEEEEEEE

Fun day.. Started with a hike up Duxbury window.. then a busy day at work. BETA’s holiday market was tonight.. Lots of cool people showing their wares


From there we headed over to the annual IEEE gathering. It was held this year in the alumni building.. food was really good.. middle eastern !
We had a great speaker from the Vermont energy transmission people.  Several of my freinds got awards for their service to IEEE.. it was really nice to see them get recognized !

Nice seeing so many good old friends. 

nite all, nite sam


Thursday night – FIRST at BETA

Busy day making stuff. I love that./ Tonight we had our first meet and greet between the new FIRST Robotics Team (FRC)  and folks from BETA. We’re going to help mentor them at Generator for their first season. We had friends from Marvel there as well. They are also going to help mentor. Great energy at the meeting. Thanks to Ray K. for getting us all together. !


Nite all, nite sam
