Friday night – off to see the wizard

Fun travel day. After a quick set of meetings at Beta, I went home, picked up Diane and  we headed down to New Hampshire. Our niece Elizabeth’s two kids Mason and Emma are in a town production of The Wizard of Oz tonight and we’re going down to watch. 

One the way down we ran into my friend Jim at a rest stop in NH.. pretty funny because DIane and I ran into his wife, my friend Sue, in the Newark airport just a few weeks back


We got down to Pelham NH about 3, had a quick dinner then headed in to see the play. It was really fun !    Mason and Emma each had several parts as part of the chorus.. they were crows , bugs and  guards .. it was great seeing them perform

It was nice getting to see those guys !

nite all, nite sam


Thursday night – Ribbon cutting

Busy day..     around 5 I was at Generator for the grand opening of the Flex Space. It was a beautiful  rebuild of soem additional space at Generator. Tae new space has a speaking venue, new offices and a new tool set up to use for a new grant which Sen Leahy helped us get to place Makerspaces in 5 schools across the state. It represented the work of sop many folks  to fund raise,  design, build .. it was a really proud moment for Generator !

nite all, nite sam


Wednesday night – first snow !

Today we got our first real snow !. Always exciting for me. We hunkered down during the morning as it came down. Ventured out at night to mark friend Tim’s birthday. The snow kept folks at home while we went to a movie about the lost craftspeople of Venice.  Deb’s Douglas Sweets was one of the sponsors !
Then off to Pho Hung for a late dinner.. Nice !


Nite all, nite sam
