Another great vacation day. Gabe and I headed over to Chris’s to help him with the Champ he’s building for the new years burn. He’s building as much of it as he can inside to keep it dry.. Chris and Kim’s living room had transformed into a wood shop. . Chris and Mat worked on the structure while I cut shingles down to scale width and Gabe cut them into the pointy shape of scales.

On the way home I picked up Finn and brought him back to the house. I worked wtih hom to move all the games on his Switch to a bigger SD card… then we took advantage of the snow to do some sledding on the back yard hill. It’s fun remembering that this sledding hill only exists because a neighbors truck accidentally came down the hill through the trees. Our neighbors have kept it clear for sledding ever since.

Dinner was grilled cheese sandwiches then all of us.. Max,, Becky, Gabe. Finn, Diane and I headed over to Krista to see Austin burn his own dinosaur sculpture. Max, Gabe , Diane and I got to help se the thing up so it balanced (more or less) It was a beautiful burn !

Then home for more video games !

Now THAT feels like a vacation !
nite all, nite sam