Today is Yom Kippur. The most important day in the Jewish calendar. It’s the end of the beginning of the year. The year starts on Rosh Hashanah which is 10 days ago. During the intervening 10 days were taught taught to consider aspects of our life where we may not have done the right thing and consider how going forward we could be better humans.
One tradition is to apologize to anyone you may have injured either accidentally or on purpose in the last year. And I mean this very sincerely if there’s anyone out there that I wrong in anyway last year I apologize… If you’ve got suggestions on how I could improve… I would really like to hear them.
My intentions going forward this year are pretty simple. I’m trying to find a way to be more purposeful in my life and less busy and more at ease.… Most of my busyness comes from my own habit of taking on too many things while looking for something that matters. I intend to be more deliberate in choosing where to put my energy.. and more deliberate about creating more ease in my life and those around me if I can.
Those of you who may still be reading this blog will realize that there was a period after early July that I stopped blogging. There’s a combination of being too busy on things like the burning man bus and wondering if I still wanted to keep blogging after 15 years. I’ve been thinking about it today as part of my Yom Kippur meditations. I dod this blog as a tribute to Sam.. and as a place to record my oen life.. not necessarily for anyone else to read. Keeping a record like this allows me to get in touch with how my life has run since Sam’s passing in 2006.. It’s a really good way for me to reflect on where my energies are going.. when it’s going well.. and hen its going not so well. I’m also setting an intent to keep recording here and see how I do with my intent to spend more time witht he things I really care about: my family,. my community and sharring my passion for sceince and technology with people.
Wish me luck !
Shana Tova !
nite all, nite sam

I broke fast at our friends Michael and Denises for a Generator board meeting.. lovely evening !