Tonight was our annual Fall Meeting for VASE (Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering) Kyle was the speaker and gave a really great talk about what we’re doing at BETA. (He always gives good talks. !) The audience was small.. and there were a ton of questions.
We then moved on to our social gathering at the Middlebury country club.. There was great food and great conversation. I particularly enjoyed catching up with my friend Alan who’s a world renowned climate scientist, He told me about some truly mystical experiences he’s had related to Gaia.. the organism that is our world. I want to hear more.
There was a short business meeting where we announced our 3 new members (I got to introduce my friend Dean Linda Schadler ).. then we heard from Greg Wolf, our teacher of the year. He’s a recently retired middle school science teacher whose created a big (325K) following on TikTok with his science demos. His content is so simple and so fun.. Katie and I got to talk to him afterwards. Even though Greg’s moved to conencticut, we agreed to meet next time he’s back in Vermont. I would love to work with him !

I love my Vase peeps..
nite all, nite sam