Fun day !. Today at my friend and coworker Paul did a “beta bytes of knowledge” talk on picking locks. I learned to pick some blocks back at MIT about 40 years ago and it’s a skill that’s come in handy quite a few times in my life. Paul had bought a bunch of test locks and pass them ou for us to keep. He did an excellent job teaching us all how to pick simple Tumblr locks. It was so fun to watch everybody go to it.… I ran into ‘Kyle’s friends Jackson and .… (Dang what’s his name?) Who were there because they’re working on an internship project with us at UVM…
Super fun

Later in the day a bunch of us went out to kyle and Katie’s for a planning workshop.… It was such a beautiful day that we did most of our work outside. It’s always fun getting together outside of work like that..

I so love working with these folks !
nite all, nite sam