Fluffy is still here in VT.. but after soem quick debuging by Duane, Rebar and Gizzo.. with some remote help by Max, the team realized that we needed a new generator. That was purchased this morning at Harbor freight. The team spent the day making final prep.

check out Dianes knees 🙂

Diane and I had to sneak out before Fluffy left because we’d had a long standing invitation from Susan and Issac to come have Iranian food at their house.  Issac has been an associate Prof at UVM in Mechanical engineering. Susan is finishing her PhD in Illinois.. and their extremely cute baby Sophia who is 9 months old..  They are so nice. ! They’d made a really delicious Iranian lunch for us !

Later on that afternoon we headed to Hanksville to my friend Dave and his wife Nancy’s H’s place for outdoor pizza. Our mutual friend Kevin was there too. I know Kevin through Dave as part of Dave’s amazing Davenport motor project where’ he’s re-created a working electric motor patented in 1837 by Vermont blacksmith Thomas Davenport..  Kevin is a historian who lives in Davenports home town of Brandon VT. It was so nice hanging out with Dave, Nancy and Kevin.. they have a beautiful place !.. The pizza was really tasty too !

here are motor models which Dave has built
.. they are so amazing !

We heard that Fluffy actually left aroudn 6:20 this aftyernoon.. about a day late.. .. but the adventure has begun !
nite all, nite sam