My freind James is up to help us get the fire stuff all ready to ship. He’s been SO helpful !.. Really amazing. He’s helping on collecting documentaiton on all the parts we used, etc so we can answer questions at the Department of Mutant Vehicles (DMV) at burnign man. He’s really been such a great help
Late tonight we actually had the irst full install of clouds on one side of the bus. THats kind of crazy considering the bus is supposed to leave in 2 days.. but here’s what it looks like now
Marie, Aaron S and I continue to work on mounting and wiring the clouds
Mrie and I are mind melding on where the light strips are.. and thats fun and hard
She does all her work in pen and ink.. then.she or I digitize them so I can map them in the pixel mapping software I’m using.. looking at her maps is like looking at a true work of art.
They are so beautiful
we gotta take time to eat.. I think my blood is turnign to pizza !
I gotta say, havign Diane help us is sooo great !. SHe’s such a clear and patient thinkier !