Tuesday night – Back in Cambridge

This afternoon DIane and I drove down to Cambridge for a talk i’m giving tomorrow. It was a nice drive.. and a nice night for the two of us to walk around my old haunts. The city was pretty at night ! (so is Diane !!!)


I placed another samstone at the site of my old dorm room in Bexeley (which is now a park !)



MIT is always an interesting place to visit :-)\

We ate at the sushi place near my old office.. it was quite good !


Nice to be ‘back’

nite all, nite sam


Monday night – scofflaws

Not much happened today.. DIane and I took a walk up to the lower gorge and noticed this person parked illegally… as so many folks do on dugway

As part of the Parking Advisory Committee for the town this is what makes our job so hard.. If only folks would do the right thing


nite all, nite sam



Sunday night – Stowe Pineapple

Peaceful day..   Diane and I began with a quick hike up the Stowe Pinnacle (Or Stowe Pineapple as we call it).. Beautiful day.. and the first sign of a fall leaf !


From there we went to our friends Mike and Laurens   ]new’ hotel. They bought the old Stowe inn  a few months back and are restoring it with a planned opening in September.. Its so fun watching them make such fast progress ! It was Mike’s birthday so we joined in their cook out.


Later on diane and I took a p peaceful walk down by the river shore across from our house

I also turn to her and say “wouldnt it be nice to live near here ? 🙂


nite all, nite sam


Saturday night – Kevin C and family

Today my old boss, mentor and close friend Kevin C and Family came over to visit. THey were in town for a Nora Jones concert and visiting Kevin and Betsy’s daughter Meghan and her wife Emmy who live in Burlington. We’d missed Meghan and Emmy’s wedding due to travel so we were very excited to see them !..
It was so fun catching up with the whole family. and showign them around



I was happy to show the C’s the progress we’re making on the lights for Fluffy.. that damn bus is starting  to take over my life !


nite all, nite sam

