Sunday night – lillies


So sorry for the long hiatus in blogging. Let myself get too busy and just laughed the discipline for a while to sit down and record every day. I’m going to try to catch up and keep it going. After 15 1/2 years I really value the ability to go back and look at life.… Wish me luck. Hope some of you were still up there reading

Now where was I ?

Oh yeah.. On I drove back on and went straight to Linda and David’s house… ‘Linda and DIane were still out so I had a nice time catching up with David..

When Diane and Linda got back, we said goodbye and headed north. We had a nice stop along the way at a Lilly garden on the shores of Eagle lake. We bought a car load of lilies from the nice guy who ran the place. It was a really beautiful place to visit !

OK.. so thats one day down and ‘only’  38 more days to catch up on !

nite all, nite sam !


Saturday night – More Phish !

We got home from last night about 1:30 am to find the airconditioning in the house working better than expected.. My desert dweling freind were freezing.. but it was just right for me ..

We got off to a nice slow start thethis morning.. Yoav and I went for a nice short 3 mile run.. while Shmul who’s a distance runner did.. 6 ? 10 ? 100 miles.. Who knows.. all I know is it was hot !

We wandere4d out midday for a shopping trip.. the high pooint was a stop at a southern cooking place for fried  fish, colards, grits, yams. etc..for take out  So good @

we hung out the rest of the day.. I grabbed a nap..

THen it was time to do it again !..we went early today toc heck out’ shakedown street’…to see all the vendors.. lots of great stuff..not all of it legal:-)


We found our same nice place on the hil.. then waited for the show . It was another great one !!!!



what a great set of shows.. what great friends to hang out with.. realy, really happy to be here !  THanks so much to Shmul for pulling us all together.. He’s an amazing freind


nite all, nite sam


Friday night – Phishin’

And I’m so behind in my blog… But I’m intent on catching up… It’s really fun because it reminds me how much fun I’ve had over the last couple of weeks.


Today I woke up at Joe and Pats and hung out with them for a while… It was really great…




Then we headed over to our good freind Linda and Davids.. We hung out with them for awhile and had an amazing lunch


Around 2 I headed out towards Bethel woods  which was about 2 hours away. I am meeting up with my good freind Shmul whi’s comeing all the way from Israel to see these shows .


First stop though was Romas pizza to fuel the trip !

It was a beutiful ride.. I met up with Shmul, and his freinds Yoav, Doron and Didi at a mexican resturant in Montecello NY. What an interesting town .. it was full of Chassidic jew from NYC. all dressed in long black clothes and fancy hats.. kinda wierd for a 90 degree day..



Doron .. is an American who is married to an israeli and lived in Israel for a long time.. he and Shmul oare old music buddies. Yoav and Shmul used to have a Jamband show on Israeli radio until Yoav mooved ot Brooklin to work at Square .. and Didi is an old Israeli army buddy of Doron and Shmul.. All conversatiosn were in עִברִית if I was not part of the conversation… I wish my bar mitvah hebrew was better !

DOron had found us a great AirBNB on a small lake in Foresville. It was a great house.

About 5 we headed towards the venue..

turns out we weren’t the only ones going there 🙂


it was so cool seeing the famous site.. I’d read so much about it.. Yaskir’s farm.. it was truly a beautiful location..


The crowd was so nice and happy.. lots of folks.. I thin there were 15000 folsk .. and both shows were sold out. I’d gotten a really nice up front ticket from the band.. but it was so much more fun haging out back on the hill.. we found a great place.. and sat enjoy the show..

as soon as the much started we were on our feet dancing.. for the entire night..

what a GREAT show !!! my dancing muscles..and my smile muscles were good and sore by the end of the night 🙂


nite all, nite sam


THursday night – Down to Endicott

Diane and I took off mid afternoon for Endicott.. We were down there to see Dianes brother Joe and Pat.. and our freinds Linda and David. .. It was a bonus trip.. as I was headed dwon that way to go to a couple  of Phish shows I Bethel NY  with my good friend Shmul who came in from Israel. Bether was only about 1.5 hours away so visiting Endicott was a good first step.

Joe and Pat live in Diane and Joe’s parents place.. theyve fixed it up so nicely..

touring their gardens I thoguht how much dianes folks would love the place now

Nite all, nite sam
