Tuesday – Covid !

By the time we woke on Tuesday , word was coming in that many  more folks from our camp had tested positive. From our family  Diane, George, Max, Becky, Gabe had all tested positive and were feeling very sick.. Only Doreen and I tested negative..

Diane and I still had to take the van back to Albequerque.. I know it wasn’t fun to do that while sick.. but Diane drove the Prius down. while I drove the van. We drove back together both masked.. By then DIane, George, Max, Becky and Gabe (who was back in Portland) had a variety of symptoms including aches, fever, chills, sore throughout and cough.. Ugh !   I felt so bad for everyone.


George and doreen changed their travel loans and we all hunkered down in our AirBNB around the corner form Max and becky


Welcome to Camp Covid 🙁

nite all, nite sam



Monday – July 4th – breaking camp

Happy 4th ! We woke early and got to work to break camp. Thank goodness it hadn’t rained in half a day..   It was still a huge mess to clean up. Everyone pitched in

Cleaning out the church was the most work.. but I think we left it much better than we found it !

The truckk was ready to roll about 1:30

We drove back to town to unload, shower and rest..

I dropped Gabe off for the coach to the airport..   hs flight was wicked delayed.. but he made it home ok


We got home in time to climb up on Max and Beckys roof to watch multiple firework show


and then……

Max tested positive for covid…. then becky did…  It’s going to be a long week !


nite all, nite sam


Sunday night (delayed) – Sunburn day 4

It was actually a pretty quite day out here.. Sunburn is relatively small (300 people ? ) so it’s easy to see and do everything..

Our camp hosted a pink pancake breakfast for anyone who was hungry … Spec and Broc lead the cooking.. we all dressed pink for the occasion. Diane and I brought lots of maple syrup

max took a try on the hanging pole.. impressive !

We mostly hung around camp ,, did a few walks to check out things we might have missed.. then got ready to go out at night. We were all pretty tired by now.

mid day was rainy.. so a few of us hung out in the church while Max and others DJ-ed


Before dark, DIane became the burrito fairy.. We haded them out to folks about to head out for the night.

Gabe and I did a few loops of the campos. One new find was the silent disco at the VICE camp. .. I noticed they were having LED problems.. Made me think hard about making our lights for Fluffy as robust as possible

Tomorrow we break camp.. that’ll be fun(?)

nite all, nite sam


Saturday night – More Sunburn

We woke to a muddy mess.. caffeinated and began cleaning up for another day

We dfid a bit more exploring and camer acrtoss this fake cemetery.. just another prop on this movie set

Then downtown for squirt cannon dueling..

Max and Gabe decided to duel it out

We got a little rain.. but it only brought rainbows today

It was getting hot.. so max set up the water mister again.. it’s an amazing thing

We hung around out of the sun until nightfall…  then dressed up for the night

First there was burlesque.. which was fun..

then music  at the church started at 9. We took some time and explored the rest of the festival.. we saw flame poofers

another fire sculpture

the LED  ‘hippy trap’

And the amazing Jonathon W from the Fractal Foundation   

Jonathon and his family do fractal demonstration local, and across the world, online and in person.. such incredible work. I would love to find a way to collaborate with Jonathon. and his team

They were here at sunburn with their hot air balloon.. a fractal masterpiece that they filled up.

Our friends Wes and Pip both did pole dancing.. They were both amazing

Then Max started DJing at about midnight.. he is soooooo good .. he did all the projection mapping , lighting and was Doing. He wore the 3D printed oversized fox skull with green lasers which he made.. just brilliant !

Long day…

Longing for a shower !.. more tomorrow

nite all, nite sam
