We spent the day learning our new surrounding. The condo is great.. just a couple of minutes walk to a gorgeous beach. Here is the first of many photo dumps of beautiful -)
We woke around 4 for the trip to the airport. Kyle kindly drove us.
The flight to Chicago was uneventful.. but once in Chicago a broken toilet on the plane delayed our 9:25 flight to maui.. for an hour.. then two hours.. and eventually to a change of plane and gate 6 hours later.. It wasnt too bad since we hung out in the lounge and ate.. but we were very glad to board the plane at 3PM for the 8 hour gliht.
The plane was packed.. and the upgrades I’d requested hadn’t come through.. so we were in the back of the bus.. but the plane was comfortable.. and I had a really nice travel companion.. so the trip passed quickly (I watched Big Lebowski without sound for the 20th time . (honest !) .which is something to celebrate : -)
I got caught up on my email and got soem recreational coding done too.. * hours was my normal commute to Munich.. so it felt liek old times
We were happy when we saw Maui come out of the ocean.. rainbow and all !
Gabe and Sammantha had beat us here by abotu 5 hours. they’d picked up the car and checked out the condo.. and came back to pick us up. We dropped our stuff and headed to a nearby Fish resturan (Coconuts.. we loved it !) .. then came back to the house for a delayed birthday cake (guava cheesecake) for Gabes birthday which was Thursday.. SO happy to be here.. and so happy to be with Gabe and Sam (yes.. it’s interesting to write Gabe and Sam.. ) .. Sammantha (AKA Sam i) s so great !
So happy to be here.. more from this part of the world as the week unfolds !
ntite all, nite Sam
Spent the day getting ready for our trip to Maui.. so excited. The one thing notable I did was to scan a bunch of old photos my mom sent to me .. I love looking at them even if I cant tell who everyone is.. THere are some great ones of my mom and her sister Sis. And soem really nice ones of my grandmother Min and her family
There was even this napkin printed in honor of a party my grandparents gave in honor of my mom and Sis..
Nice to take a journey through the past !
nite all, nite sam
Today is Gabes birthday.. he’s 27 !.. thats pretty amazing when your youngest kid is 27. He’s such an amazing being.. so smart, so fun and so loving.. I’m so happy to be your dad.
and check out his mad whipped cream flipping sklills
Happy birthday my son.. We love you so much !!!
Nite all, nite sam