We had a great workday, not mush to report on.. just scraping, covering, and preparing for a weekend of painting..
its really fun working together on this project !
Nite aLl, nite sam
We had a great workday, not mush to report on.. just scraping, covering, and preparing for a weekend of painting..
its really fun working together on this project !
Nite aLl, nite sam
*Sigh*… Another day in paradise. It rained most of the day… But that didn’t keep us from continuing to scrape the house… Our goal was to have a completely cleaned up so we can start painting on the first sunny day which was to have been Friday
Only picture I have from the day was this walk to the very muddy Laurelhurst park with nova. She loves going there… Chases ball slides around in the mud and then we come back and wash her. She’s such a cute puppy… We love being with her
we ended the day at a nice smll party at neighbor non nantucket teds.. great chile and mead.. really fu. !
Nite all, nite sam
– me
not much to report for this day… It rained all day… But it didn’t stop us from going outside and scraping lead paint. Again we’re doing us by the book… Which means we have to be in full house at outfits all the time… Tyvek suits, gloves, respirators, goggles… And we have to collect all of the paint chips and six mill plastic and roll them up and take them to hazardous waste… It’s about as much fun as it sounds…. 🙂
I did treat ourselves in the evening to a wonderful meal at a Bernie’s restaurant. We went there for the good Snowboarding buddy of Gabes worked there… He was from Hawaii and gave us some hints for our coming trip. It was a cool place… Inside some of the food was served by robots.… Have fun is that? We sat outside… Which was a little bit chilly because it was in the 40s but the food was fantastic
The city is wonderful place to eat!
Note all, nite sam
It was pouring on Monday.. Which we knew was going to happen.… It was a perfect day to put up our scaffolding. We had searched for options about how to paint the very high 27 foot peaks of Gabe’s house… Both of which are in narrow alleys between adjacent houses.we looked at tall ladders, pump jacks and scaffolding. Lasders was cheapest.. but there kS only. About 36 inches betweek gabes house and his neiggbor ted.. well actually bhis negbors on both side are name t ed,l the 36 inch one is  ‘nantucket ted’, That didnt give enough distanice for a safe ladder lean at that height. Pubp jacks are chep, but always reauire 2 people and need safety harnasses. Scaffolding is the  most expensive, but was the safest and gives the best quality, So we went. With scaffolding. The company we are workign wit h mostly does commercial scaffolding.. they rarely work with folks like hus whom are painiting their onwn h9mes.. they have been so gr eat to work with.. they offered to save us money by sending onky a foreman and getting us to help erect and later disman tel the scafokding,,
It was rainign oretty hard by the. Time that mario showed uo with hsi truck,, he was super nice to work wit h and called out toeices he needed for us to help build 24. Foot. Scaffolkds on both sides of the house. .. later on his colleague Si. Ame.. between the. 5 of us we got them up in less than 4 hours
We got them up in time to do some scraping.. at the end of the day the sun came out
This is hard work.. but fun !
Nite all, nite sam