Today was easter .. and it was also our first day of painting prep. we celebrated by Johnny are Tyvek’s bunny suits and beginning to strip and prep the house… It’s dirty work because we’re trying to be very clean from the standpoint of lead paint abatement. They’re strict laws out here but we would do it anyway. That meant Karina grounded six mill plastic, and wearing full hazmat gear… Tyvek, gloves, goggles, respirators… It also means collecting every crumb of paint and delivering it to the toxic waste group.… It’s been a real pain but we feel like we’re doing the right thing environmentally
We had an incredibly productive day… We were able to completely strip the back Of Gabe’s house which was the most weathered of all… It involves scraping with knives and carbide draw blades.… A lot of it came off. We were then able to actually get the first coat of primer on there…
It already looks so much better… So much more to do but it felt like great progress
today reminded me he much I enjoy traveling . tim picked me up around 12:30 and took me to the airport for my trip out to portland . I was so excited to see diane , gabé , nova and sam. I forgot how exited I was to spend tome in airplanes and airports . for more than 30 years this was my life . I was reminded how much I enjoyed the Quiet non interruption that’s air travel can. bring ..I love people watching an airport… I know it’s a terrible guilty pleasure because I probably have my own ozone hole because of it… I view my work on electric aircraft is kind of penance
Anyway it was very nice to be in that zone again for about nine hours… It was even better to see Diane and GabÉ when I got to Portland… We’re gonna be out here for a couple of weeks painting GabÉ’s house. Believe it or not I’m really excited about that
Had a busy day getting ready to leave for a couple of weeks… Got a lot done. Take a break in the evening to go to friend Bernd’s house for a wonderful costume Seder… It was a small Group… Just ben, tatro, Elizabeth, Geri, Mark, ‘Nancy and Moyers… We did an abbreviated version of Agata… But it had lots of good feeling. Geri had created a bunch of scenes from the movie the 10 Commandments literally spice things up… We all sort of came in costume… Ben was there as Moses… Jared was the pharaoh… Nancy was Miriam… I think tati was jechobed (mississippi mom) . I came as a generic priest… Wearing my clothes in the dark coat and some lights… With a sign that said “let my people glow”

We all brought different food… Elisabeth had made her own gefilte fish which was delicious. All the food was delicious. I made “machos”… Which are nachos made with Motzer… And I also had attempted to make matzoh meal chocolate chip cookies… They got really runny and thin so they ended up more like Florentines… But they weren’t bad
It was a really wonderful evening
Heading out to see Diane and GabÉ tomorrow… Can’t wait!
Super busy day… Trying to get some demos ready before I head out to Portland on Saturday… After a long day at work I’m headed down to Nordic farm to help out with washing… Our new art car to be for our Bernie man crew. Fluffy is based on a 44 foot school bus with a wheelchair lift. Were the process of painting her before we cut her roof off… It’s gonna be pretty fun process. I was in helping remove some of the heaters and trying to fix (Unsuccessfully so far) the hydraulic lift. We did have a great meeting with Kyle R About getting a plan for the lights…
This is going to be an interesting project
End of the day buyer see this cartoon from the New Yorker… Made me smile