Sunday night – My turn

By the end of the evening last night.. I wasn’t feeling that great.. in hind sight I noticed my food was tasting kinda weird. I woke this morning with a sore throat… and pretty much knew what was up. I took a covid test.. 

I finally had covid.. after not getting it for the last 2 and a half years it sort of felt like a relief to have it (almost) behind me. 

I felt a little creepy.. but not so bad  I couldn’t hike. We took a really nice and muddy walk at the 1000 acre dog park.   Gabe used it as a chance to collect some icky water samples to look at under the microscope


Only bummer of having covid is that I cant go visit my mom and sister tomorrow as planned. We’re going to stay here a few more days then travel straight back to Burlington.  I’ll have to reschedule my trip to go see them soon

OK.. time for bed.. 

nite all. nite sam


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