Actually.. another thing happened yesterday.. on our hike we ran into two hikers out on the Bamforth trail that were planning to camp out for the night. He was from France , she was Australia, both were studying in Montreal. We noticed they didn’t have snowshoes. We’d just come down from hiking and found the snow too deep to try without snowshoes. The trail was full of “postholes” where people had gone through the thin crust.. it wouldn’t be fun without snowshoes. We offered ours to Viktor and LuLu. Turned out to be a good thing..
Today they came by the house to return the snowshoes. They told us of their adventures which included loosing a cell phone, camping in deep snow and eating cold rice for dinner. They didn’t seem any the worse the ware for it. It was nice getting to know them and showing them around
It was fun meeting them !
nite all, nite sam
ps. Lulu just wrote me today (H Lulu and Viktor). and sent these photos from from their trip !