Tuesday Night – More flooding

What a crazy scene.. more flooding today And a dnager of a major catastrophe.. t

 I left work early when I heard that they were considering a dam release iat the Wrightsville dam n Montpellier. That  might bring another 5-8 feet of rise.. that would have put the water in our yard if not our house.. !


I picked up soem empty sandbags to the way home in case we or neighbors needed them. My idea was to drop them at my friend Jerry’s who lives down Duxbury rd.. but buy the time I got home, Cochran. rd, Rout 2 and Duxbury road we’re all closed.. We couldn’t even get to him. I had to come home by way of Huntington !



Check out this piece that made national news !




Glad to say that everyone we know is safe

check out these vids just of our town !


what a crazy time !

-nite all, nite sam


Monday night – Flood !

We came home  to heavy rain predicted. .. There were predictions of widespread flooding.. even some dire ones about this being even bigger than the floods from Irene.. It was a crazy day.. Montpellier and waterbury were totally flooded.. and the water came up within 100 feet of our house.. Such a crazy day.. but we made it out ok !

Crazy summer !

noite all, nite sam


Saturday night – Staff Opening !

Today was the staff  opening of the new Meow Wolf in Grapevine.  FIrst we had breakfast ..t hen went for a sweaty run where we encountered a small but dangerous copperhead !. I forgot how fun it was living with snakes !

We got home and got dressed.. THe theme was cosmic cowboyt and qwe did it up !

It was SOOOO cool walkign aroudn the new MeowWOlf. Its huge and looks so great.. its a combo of  1960’s brick raised ranch. city scapes and psycodelic twiss on home decorating (think a room with 8 ? 11 ? .. fridge doors.. open one and walk into a completely different universe !


Maxs main piece is amazing.. its a huge light scultpre with an eye that tracks you as you move.. eerie and beutiful. So well done. We are so proud of that guy..!


the rest of the place was amazing


It was. fantastic visit.. so fun seeing max iand becky in their element !.. SO proud of what they do !

We ended the day with a korean feast.. what an amazing day. !


noite all, nite sam
