I took Gabe. to the airport while Max, Becky and Diane headed to the Bell Natural History Museum in St. Paul. I
I dropped gabe off at the airport

Then headed to the Museum to meet up with Max, Becky and Diane.. It was a sweet little museum.. most importantly it was nice and cool ! t was a great place to go because ot the heat. it was almost 100 degrees F today !!

Then back to moms for take out Thai !

Another hi light of the evening was a gift that Shaun had brought all the way from texas.. it was a package of an Icelandic delicacy called Hakarl
which is fermented shark. It’s supposed to be one of the nastiest foods in the world. We cut it open and ate it..

Actually.. not too bad..until the smell ! Its kind like anchovies dipped in ammonia.
Cant forget.. my mom gave me a bernie sanders doll.. kinda funny as I dont know him well.. .. (but I did have a short viral moment with him a few years back 🙂

Fun day !
nite all, nite sam