We leave tomorrow for italy.l. spent the day cleaning up from all the prep we’ve been doing on the house. MId morning my cousin’s Mark and Kathy came by the house. They were in town for a freinds daugheters wedding. 41 years ago Mark showed up at our house and introduced himself as my cousin.. His grandmother Keenie was my great great aunt (she’s top left in this picture alonmg with my two other great aunts gussie and freydie.. amd my grandmother in the bottom left.. not sure wh that is in the upper right).
She’s second from left in bottom row here.. my sister and grandmotehr in teh upper left.
We had a good time marveling at how liong we’ve known each other.. we went to their wedding.
They came to ours (editors mnopte.. I was just trying to find a picture of them at our wedding and ended up spending a half hour looking at our wedding pictures.. got so wrappewd up in them I forgot what I was doing.. so great looking at those pics with all that family.. I realllllly love diane
Anyway.. very glad to see mark and kathy
Great catching up !
Later on in the day.. Linda and david showed up. THey drove up to vermont so that we could start the Italy trip together . We’re leaving tomorrow and are so excited !
Ran around like crazy today prepping for our next trip (my third in a month).. which includes the last prep days before max and becky’s visit.. So much good stuff in such a short time !
I did take a moemnet to get the car washed.. I love going through the machine .. a few moments of peace
Today Deb, Tim. Jen . Diane and I went to say goodbye to our friends Joanne and Pat who are moving to Sedona. Joanne is a fantastic ophotographer.. we have several of her photos in our house. Today she was giving away or selling most of her remaining photos.
SHe’s done many photos in sams memory.. including this one in her collection
We ended up buying 4 of her framed photos.
I love talking to Joanne… she has such an interesting mind. She saved a book for me !
Busy day.. ended by making a quick stop at my friend Tom’s 45th IBM anniversary party !. Tom was my first mentor when I joined ibm in 1981 .. and he’s been a friend ever since He’s also mentored many folks. .. It was great seeing Tom and all the folks there to celebrate him !