Today was the big day. My mom turns 90.. (and Billy turns 63.) Billy’s birthday is always in parenthesis 🙂
We had a busy day planned out !.. First , we’d booked a boat ride on Lake Minitonka ..
Here are the birtday Girl and Boy.. Mom is amazing at 90.. super active, super sharp.. .. funny and completely full of energy.. Billy hasn’t changed since he was 7.. smartest and most talented person I know.
I love them both very much !

We boarded the boat aroudn 11:30 for a 2 and a half hour cruse aroudn the lake (queue the gilligans island music !) .

20 year old Caleb was our Skipper brave and sure

We all settled in and headed out to sea (or lake)

About 45 min in lunch was served.. A nice spread .. hamburgers and veggie burgers.

Id’ ordered a cake for Billy.. .. His birthday sort of gets missed sometimes when we’re all together with Mom

We got back to the pier about 2:00.. it had been a great ride.

a total stranger offered to pose with mom.. Nice guy !

From there we all split up to go to differnt places.. I took soem of the boys to Axemen.. an amazin surplauys place we love.. Full of the weirdest stuff.. and weirdest people !

Around 6 we headed back to moms to begin to set up for tonight

Mary had ordered catered mexican food.. which is a family fav.. though minnesota mexican food is much differnt than texan mexican food.. Still yummy !
I just found some additional pictures !

I put up a slide show of a zillion pictures about mom and the family.. We had much fun and a few tears reminiscing. Max made a wonderful movie about Mom and Dad.. he and Sam are surely missed.

Got me teared up !
Then it was time for presents and more memmories. We got mom a diamond neklace with a diamond for each of us.. kids, grandskids, partners.. we went arond a circle where each of us said what mom meant to us.. It was amazing to hear how mcuh love there was and how aligned everyones view of mom is.. smart, loving.. funny.. those are great things to be at 90 !

Max made a print of the last image of mom and dad holding hands. Really special

We presented her wiht a book i’d made of a page from each of us talking about what Mom meant to us.

THen it was tiem for cake.. (no blowing out the cake.. as mom is just recovering from covid !.. just a token peice with a candle for her to blow out. )

From there the party wen outside for more music.. and eventually to the sauna.. I didn’t have a bathing suit.. so I went in my clothes.. only for 10 seconds.. it was hot in there.. and its hot outside.. I’m ready for Fall

That was the day.. A great one for everybody..
Happy Birthday Mom
Happy Birthday Billy
we love you both !
Nite all, nite sam