Monday night – the entertainer

At work we all started taking another personality test just for fun .. you can find it at  

Its a bit like the CLiftons Strengths .. and more indepthth than Myers Briggs. . It’s a 30 minute test ! Anyway.. here’s  what it identified as my 3 biggest attribute. . 

Entertainer ?!?  At first I was kind of bummed by that.. it sounds kind of fake. But the right up made me feel better. Here’s what it said about Entertainer 

ntertainers are driven by creating experiences and engaging with the world and particularly the people in it. They tend to be outgoing, original, agile, energetic, joyful and lighthearted.: 

Thats not so bad.. My other two are Inventor (which I get) 

Inventors are driven by coming up with new and innovative ideas, products and solutions. They tend to be creative, open-minded, conceptual, spontaneous and at times disorganized and unstructured.

Disorganized and unstructured.. thats me  🙂

And finally  Adventurer

Adventurers are motivated by taking part in fun, exciting, and adventurous activities and pursuits. They tend to be excitement-seeking, fun-loving, energetic, independent, open to new experiences, and spontaneous.

Diane took the test.. and it turns out we’re similar in many ways with some complimentary differences. 
The funny thing is that my boss Katie and I are almost identical !
Here’s a more detailed picture of what the test said


They all look about right to me.. the only one that I was a little ashamed to admit was Status Seeking !.. I know its true.. but not my best trait I hope 🙂

I know these tests are just for fun.. but they do give you insights on how you move through the world and interact with different people.

After all .. there are only two types of people in the world:

      Those who divide people into  types… 
             .. and those that don’t !  🙂 

What’s your type ? 

nite all, nite sam


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