Saturday night – Discover Engineering

Today my good freind and coworker Shannon and I took a little biut of BETA to to UVM for their annual Discover Engineering event. There were over 200 middle and high school kids there… as well as representatives from all sorts of engineering companies from across the state.In the morning the kids milled aroudn and talked to all the companies. I saw so many people I  knew from so many different connections. It was great talking to the kids about their interests. 

In yhe afternoon we taught a works showp on the physics of flight. THe kids all made airplanes out of styropone cutouts and then test flew them to compare length of flight.. Shannon did a great job of leading us all through the exercise she designed. What a pro !



I love doing events like this !
nite all, nite sam 


Friday night – fallen tree

Diane and I went for a short run on the rivershore this morning wearing  our spikes for traction. the temp was dropping .. and we could watch the ice crystals forming on the sidewalk 

A kind of shocking  thing happened on our run.. it’s kind of hard ot explain.. Every time I run that route… and I’ve done it i’m sure 1000 times.. i touch these  same three spindly fir trees on the trail  .. It’s somewhere between a good luck ritual and an OCD “itch” I cant resist.  Just like the need for filling glasses 3 times before drinking   from them.. or toughing a specific place on the stirs  when I climb them . I think the number 3 I wrapped up in the number of kids we have..

Today, I saw that one  of the 3 had broken.. .. I’ve actually thought about this day amy times before.. what would happen when one of these trees .. or all of them.. were no longer there.. what would I do. 

I stopped and didn’t really know what to do.. .. I wasn’t so much sad as surprised.. but I didn’t feel any panic.. I didn’t feel frozen.. I actually was able to touch them all once more..and kept running

That feels like.. .. hmmm.. a break through  maybe ? 

nite all, nite sam 


Wednesday night – Co-created

Last Friday was the opening of the CoCreated: The artist in the age of intelligent machines show at Burlington City Arts. I was sad to miss the opening due to covid.. it sounds like it was a great party.. My friend Chris T has been workign on the show for over a year. I got a call from 7Days to be interviewed abotut he show. I figurted I’d better hurry and see it first… so Diane and I wen down aroudn noon to see it.It was really a wonderful collection of work.. My deep congrats to Chris and our friends Jenn K, Lapo, Donna, Jane ,. Mauro and all the other  artists and techs. The show has many facets..   The show was built around  the concept of generative AI .. that is AI that can create  new things.. new images, movies, sounds. physical shapes. It explores the transition we’re now experiencing where Artificial intelligence no longer just analyzes.. but it creates.. .. this was once just something humans could do.. what does that mean to art .. or any other form of creative enterprise.. going forward ? is it a threat ? is it a tool ?  The show didn’t try to answer those questions. .just form them in the viewers mind.
There  were so many interesting  pieces.. My friend Jenn did a generative peice that was trained on images of diseased plant leaves.   My freidn Lapo mad aa a really fin peice that used AI to do motion captire of peoples hand gestrues to manipulate a beautiful abstract form.. (I had fun workig on the cocept with Lapo). THere were severla cool genrative movie peices .. one by my good freidn Maru from the MIT-IBM lab tha will evolve throught he shows 3 mont run. Casey Reas, the creater of processing had a anotuerh evolving movie peice that will also evolve during the length of the show.  How cool is that .. I’ve never been to an art show that changes and evolves over the course of it s run. 


THere were some other thoguthp provinking peices.. Joshow Rohere had trained a chatbot based ont he GPT3 transformer model using the soceial media of another mans girlfreind wh’d died. The peice was called Jessica.. and you could intereact with it by typing.. It certainly felt liek a ‘personality’.. event though it was just responding with statistically likely  responses…  its not intelligent.. it’s a sophisticated illusion.  but if it gives soemone comfort.. I suppose thats a good thing..   I liked the way the show worked to help peopl e understand how generative AI worked. I particually like the simple explaination work that my freind aJanew had oen for the show .. bth as a poster.. and as an interesting artistic visualization of the latent space of a generative  machine. and what that means to explanabiliuty in decision systems. 

it’s so (!) timely a discussion .. I was recently appointed to the Vermont state AI commission. It’s an oversight group that will help the state make informed choices  about any sort of automated decisions systems  used by government agencies. As part of that I’ve been speaking to so many vermonters about AI.. Most of the the discussions center on the  fears of folks have on the way AI can harm us..  many  of these concerns  are real.. soem are speculative, but I rarely hear someone comment on the power AI has to improve our lives..   It’s clear to me that we need to have more nuanced discussions about about what AI  can and cant  do and what it..  should and shouldn’t do 

I think events like this show can help build interest and understandign of AI.. and can get people talking in helpful ways. 

Please go check out the show CoCreated: The artist in the age of intelligent machines at Burlington City Arts.  It running through May. I’d really like to hear what you think !

nite all, nite sam
