Wednesday night – dads night

Tonight we had one of our roughgly quarterly dads group nights. As always we go to the hinesburg puplic house.. Its a great time to catch up with old freinds.. We reaclen this groub has been running for about 33 years.  .. We’ve all been thorugh alot together.. heartbreak and happiness.. Lots of love in there

My friend steve was there.. .. it brught back a great story.. I fires met steve on a plane somewhere.. he had some interesting ink including some stylized atoms on his arms.. I recognized them by there electron count that they were Carbon, Hydrogen Oxegyn and Nitrogen (CHON).. My name sideways.. It gave me an idea for a shirt that I made for the boys..using atoms to spell out our name.. THh catch was I couldn’t find any drawings of atoms as nice as steves.. I didn’t know him at the time.. buyt i managed to track him down and ask him for the art he’d used for the tatoo.. he shared it with me and the rest is history

Wow.. I was looking up the story and came across some pictures of steve’s tattoos.. In this post there’s also a  picture.. of the memorial stone for our friend Elijah..  We’ll never for get that fine young man. rest in peace friend  .

nite all, nite sam



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