Woke up slowly today.. then headed over to Gabes.. On the way Diane and I went in to check out the fire house museam thats just a few doors down from gabe. I’ve always wanted to visit. It had an amazing amoutn of stuff.. very well curate in a tiny spave. We especially liked the fire truck simulator.. it was very realistic.. and it just used two screens and the body parts of a real truck

they had lost of artifacts including this toy truch that sort of survivied a fire

We cooked breakfast then headed out for a hike to .. Lost Lake (was that what it was called ? )

On the road there we saw multonomah falls.. we have great memories of this place.. tehre’s a great picture of sam and his freinds way up tehre on the bridge

The trail we hiked was part of the pacific creat rtail.. it was a beutiful day and a pretty easy and steady climb. THe forest was beutiful.. and so were the people.

We got up to a small lake.. it was bright blue.. due to soem mineral content.. and really, really cold. That didn’t stop the cohn boyts from taking a dip. It was good timing because our burning man friends had FLuffy at the Penguin Plunge in Burlington. I’m guessing it wasn’t much colder there than here.

I love doing thi with my boys.. its a tradition. We all jumped into the winosski just before Maxs wedding !
I must point out that there was snow around when we did this

the walk back was pretty easy.. the late afternoon sun theough the trees and moss made it feel like Sasquatch was goign to come crashing out of the forest any minuit. We found these very cool fungi on the trees. Look like duck bills !

On the way home we stopped at our favorite fish resturant near bridge of the gods.. It was freezing outside. but not too cold for a shared set of fish and chips !

we got home and Gabe broke out his microscope.. He’d taken some water samples on our hike and we cound soem cool tiny creatures.. planaria and some rod like thing that was pretty cool

then we walked down to the vegan Sri Lankin place down the street. Wewe’d never been there .. and it was soooo delicious. !

from there we crossed the street to go to Movie Madness.. The last big movie rental place in Portland.. It has so many movies that they made it a non profit museam.. IUts so cool to go through there. We were after the cult classic terrible moview the 1993 version of Mario Brothers with Bob Hoskins.. Probably the worst movie ever made !
WHile looking for it.. I found a copy of the COlony season 1.. I asked the guy at the desk if it had ever been checked out.. it turns out it had.. .. just 4 times !. (but the second season disc had never been checked out 🙂

then home to watch the movie.. Mario Brothers. it was bad.. really bad.. check out this article in wikipedia.

its so bad.. its good
Great day !
Nite all, nite sam