Thursday night – Jovian’s birthday

  • Late this afternoon I drove home and picked up Diane and we drove to Barre. Our young frind Jovian is turning 2 years old today. We drove to our Friend Rachel’s house for the party. Rachel is a freind from way back who recently moved back to Vermont. She just baught this house.. its a really curte place in the heart of Barre. The place was full of big people and little people.   It was great meeting so many new people !

Happy birthday Jovian !!  

nite all, nite sam


2 thoughts on “Thursday night – Jovian’s birthday”

  1. Please take that picture of me and my daughter OFF OF YOUR BLOG. I did NOT consent to being posted and I told you when you took the photo that my pictures of daughter do NOT go on the internet.

  2. Hi.. hope you are well itook off all pictures of you. Im im very sorry if that offended you . Do yo mind my asking why you want it removed ?

    Ive been blogging everyday for almost 17 years and no one has ever asked me ti take down a picture ! Mist be the rules havr changed . Please let me know so I dont do anyrhing like that to others

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