It’s Mar 4.. or “March Fourth” one of the few days on the calander that are a complete sentence unto themselves !
An interesting thing happened today.. In early February I was working late…;. and decided to go out and get chinese food . It was about 8:30PM so I went to a place just around the corner from work. The guy workign there notcied my BETA badge and asked about the place. His name was Kevin and he told me that he’d been wating the building of the production facility since it broke ground.. You can actually see it from the back of the resturarnt. I offered to show him around the place.. and gave him one of my cards.
Kevin actually took me up on the offer, called me and we set up a time for a tour. I was crazy busy.. but I never turn down a chance to show people what we’re doing here.. I gave Kevin a complete tour of our Production building.. It is always fun to see the place through other people’s eyes.. Its so amazing.
Thanks for coming by Kevin !
nite all, nite Sam