Thursday night – Hello Monster

There was an amazing event at Beta this evening. My friend Mary has just finished a  piece of art for the BETA Production building. Tonight she  officially presented  it  in a very candid and fun conversation with our fearless leader Kyle..   DIane came in to hear the presentation 

Here3 is the peice !.. It has been so fun and interestign watching Mry assemble it over the last several weeks !

Mary talked about the process she used to come up with the piece. She bagen by talked about    the work’s title ‘Hello Monster’ . She  explained how she had come up with the design of the peice  in a dialog with  an internal voice she called ‘the monster’. The monster challenged and coached her in creating the concept of the piece and its creation. It was wonderful hearing Mary describe t her thinking. It was particularly fun for me to hear how her mind worked.. so differently than my own.. and I suspect most of my co-workers. 

Kyle did a great job of talkign about how the piece  fit the building.. How it provided warmth in a  cool and calculated environment. Kyles did a great job  talkign to Mary about  the differences and sameness of art and engineering. . The two of them had a great natural rapport. 

There were lots of questiosn and comments from the audience  ofg abotu 70 BETA folks and other guests

Marys brother Tom was there.. he’s a very good freind of Gabes.. was great catching up with him 


The conversation did a great job of introdusing the peice to our community. We came away impressed with the work .. and of course with Mary .. who is always amazing !

Thanks you Mary and Kyle !

nite all, nite sam


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