Today is Diane and my 38th anniversary.. I love you my girl.. so glad you married me. Its so fun to all be together …
We woke up the day after the wedding.. lots of happy, sleepy [people// Some elves (Deb !) had woken early and the place was pretty clean.. evidently the party when on till about 5AM.. lots of water being squirted, drinking,. all the stuff that is supposed to happen at a wedding

around noon a local cooking place came in to make paella and we all had a great lunch before all goign on our seperate ways

we checked out some of the yet-to-be-renovated parts of the chateau before leaviong .. pretty cool !
then it was time to say goodbye

we’d made lots of memories !

We headed out back to spain in the direction of our next airbnb in Vega de Paz Spain. It was a beutiful drive .. back past San Sebastian/Donastia.. past blibao and then up in to cantabria. We stopped oin the way for groceries.. and got caught in one of the most amazing rainstorms id ever been in. THe casheir at the store gave us plastic garbage bags to make into raincoats so we could get to our car..
Eventally we got up into cantabria.. As we were nearign the town of Vega de Paz where we’d be staying, we saw this crazy fire.. we think it was a barn

Soon after we foudn our wonderful cottage.. it was up a really long sketchy driveway that branched off steeply from a very fast and narrow mountain road.. It is a beutiful, beutifal place..
Max and Becky showed u soon afterwards. Theyd picked up Max and Beckys freind Stephen.. Hes from Australia and satyed with us in Cantabria.. he is an amazing was so much fun having him with us !
we all got together for a late dinner.. then off to bead

More from this beautiful place tomorrow !
nite all, nite sam