monday night – Working with son’s

ball court with his son Bronny .. I saw this quote from him 

I can really relate.. I’m so happy that I can collaborate with our sons.. Both are crgreat hands on makers and thinkers.  

Max and I collaborate on all sorts of stuff for lighting.., costumes etc.  our Fluffy projecta would not have been 1/10th as beautiful had it not been for Max’s knowledge of lighting.. 

And wiht gabe, I’ve learned the first bits of stone crafting and other rock crafts. I also learn so mcuh from him abotu general sceince.s 

I love that I’m now learning from  and collaborating with my kids.. 

Sam was also a crazy maker. I rememebr him and I makign a device for letting him strum the guitar when hois arm was ina. acast.. I’ll look for that picture. 

I’m a lucky dad.. 

noite all, nite sam


Sunday night – Angel’s baby shoiwer

Pretty full day.   Lou abd Kathuy took off this morning (wait.. did I even mentione that they’d been staying with us for the last three days ? )

Diane and I did a hike up from Bolton Nothch road to the long trail, then buswhacked to the abandoned Stinson air tower. We both climbed pretty high.. but not all the way. Good wenough to get the view !

We took a second walk midday to the river shore.. and ran into our friend and neighbor Barb and Rowdy

Then we went back home and remembered that our Neighbors grandaughter Angel

s baby shower was today in northern new york.. We decided to go !.. It waas a scenic hours drive each way..

gald we went.

Tried again for northern lights, not much.. but I think I see some red in one of those

we’ll catch one yet !


Nite all, nite sam

Saturday night – Fall hike

We cant get enough of outside this time of year. Today Diena, Lou and I did one of our favorite super local hikes.. Up catamount trail and down honey hollow road.. It’s abotu 6 miles.. 3 miles up hill, 3 miles downhill. 

this eving we all convereged again dfor Red Hot Juba playing at the Stone Coral. The lead singe Eric was all of our boys English teach in high school !

great show. 

but still no northern lights !

nite all, nite sam

Friday night – Fall Friends

I stayed up late last night and tried again to see northern lights.. not sure if this counts.. but I do see a litttle color.. THe bright moon was beutiful, but not very  helpful for start gazing

I dont generally work Fridays.. but today I did to catch up from soem of the travel. Work is really fun right now.. Very exciting stuff is happening !

After work our friends Lou, Kathy,  George , Jane and their dogs all met up at Libby’s look for a fall hike. The leaves are in full color now and there’s no better thing to do than to hike !

Then home for a really nice laid back meal together.. Feuturing Dianes first attempt at replicating the Basque cheesecake we came to love on our trip to Spain 

Nice colorful day !


nite all, nite sam
